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Christian Students is a registered UCLA organization, founded in 1968. Today club members continue to be active in leading students to Christ and helping them to grow in Him. Whether through on-campus Bible studies or small group fellowship in the homes, we have found that gathering together has strengthened us to pursue Christ during our college years. Just as the apostle Paul sought " know Christ" (Phil. 3:10), we also, are seeking to know Him through the truth revealed in His Word.

group gathering

We have many scheduled activities throughout the week—Bible studies, prayer meetings, and dinners. And every week you'll see some of us on campus singing or handing out gospel tracts and Christian literature. Each quarter is highlighted by small group gatherings, weekend retreats, and trainings with other Southern California university students.

Our care for one another goes beyond scheduled activities. We meet spontaneously to study God's Word, pray, and fellowship. We also support each other in our studies, recreation, and other daily activities. We warmly invite you to join us in pursuing Christ together!

eating trip ucla