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Group Bible Studies
Wednesdays in Ackerman Union
12:00-12:50 pm or 1:00-1:50 pm
Click Here for Room Numbers
College Fellowship
Saturdays on campus
Click Here for Room Numbers

Individual Bible Studies
Dive into the Word with a fellow believer at a flexible time and location that fits your schedule.

Contact Us for More Information

Small Group Dinner & Fellowship
A home away from home! Please join us in a warm and welcoming home of a nearby family
for mutual supply and encouragement. These are times full of the rich enjoyment of Christ!
Contact Us for More Information

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Gospel Outreach
At the beginning of each quarter and at various times throughout the year, Christian Students
sets up a table to pass out free Bibles, literature, and gospel tracts to UCLA students.

Mutual Ministry of the Word every Sunday 10:00 am-12:00 noon
Join us for "building up, encouragement, and consolation" (1 Cor. 14:3) at nearby Haskell Hall.