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God is Faithful

Coming to college, I realized that there were many things I could pursue at UCLA—and I have to say that the Lord wasn’t anywhere near the top of the list. My focus was my education, and I never really considered the Lord as a part of my academic life. But God is faithful!  He really opened my eyes to see how much He is a part of every aspect of my life, and He was faithful to provide me with companions in Christian Students to help me pursue Him in my academic and daily life. My companions are those who pursue the Lord and “call on the name of the Lord out of a pure heart” (2 Tim. 2:22), and they have really encouraged me throughout my years here. Now as a senior looking back, I know it is the Lord’s sovereignty to have placed these ones around me. Through them, I learned to turn to my spirit in every situation, and they truly ushered me into enjoying the Lord through the big things and small things in my life. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness to keep me pursuing Him with my companions through my college years.

Grace Meng


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