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It's in the Homes
Having been led to taste the sweetness of loving the Lord Jesus in my youth through the labor of faithful servants of the Lord, I transferred to UCLA in the fall of 2000 with a view of consecrating my remaining college years to the Lord. I soon found that the believers in Christian Students loved to pursue Christ and to seek the truths revealed in the Word of God and I desired to run after Christ along with them.

However, as I allowed my time to become consumed with school and work, I found myself attending less Bible-studies and meetings throughout the week. Since I was still reading the Bible and somewhat in touch with the Lord, I attempted to appease the troublesome feeling deep within by telling myself that it was okay to forego the meetings when I got busy. I believe that it was through the prayers of many brothers and sisters that I eventually came to realize that the Christian life is not an individual one; rather, the pursuit is corporate. I could never make it alone; I need the other members to supply, strengthen, and encourage me to keep pursuing Christ! I was no longer seeking mere individual spiritual growth but desired to be built up with the other brothers and sisters.

This realization drove me to love the meetings! I was especially cherished by the weekly Friday night meetings in the homes of families living in the area who have opened their doors for us students to eat, hang out, sing, get into the Word, and enjoy the Lord together! I felt that I really had a home away from home and was deeply touched by the genuine care poured out by these families and couples. It is in the homes that I sensed that the greatest joy in the universe is to meet with others who love our Lord Jesus!

– C.S.

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