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After months of trying to decide where to go to college, vacillating over what school offered me more, I decided to attend UCLA. It was not necessarily for the location, the athletics, or even the academics but rather something more. The initial struggle and eventual peace that accompanied just the choosing of a school made me realize that my place at UCLA was for the Lord Jesus. I had no claim of even being adequate in my relationship with the Lord, but like the children of Israel who gathered manna each morning and were nourished in a regular way, so I desired to be nourished spiritually day by day. Speaking as a senior now, I realize the only way to accomplish this is to be around fellow believers. With Christian Students I found a group of believers that I could “call on the name of the Lord out of a pure heart” (2 Tim. 2:22) with, even if it was not my natural inclination. These were companions who I could be encouraged by and in turn encourage myself, in small ways that build over time. I’m thankful for the years I’ve had at UCLA, for the brothers and sisters associated with Christian Students and the seeking heart they’ve instilled in me, and have high aspirations for the road which lies ahead.

– B.D.S.

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