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My Purpose for Being Here

I graduated from UCLA in December, and now I am a graduate student here. Looking back at my past years in UCLA, I really treasure the time I had with Christian Students.

Raised up in a Christian family, I have always known that my purpose of living is to be filled with God. Yet as a student, it’s so easy for me to get distracted with school and everything. Every day while I was running from classroom to lab to library to classroom, I often lost sight of what I am here for. That’s why I loved the bible study times with the brothers and sisters in Christian Students. Once or twice a week during lunch break, we would gather in a room or at a corner in Ackerman Union, and we would eat together, study the bible or a spiritual book together. That time was so nourishing! It just reminded me once again that I am not here in school to be consumed by projects and exams, I am not here to prepare myself for a career that would pass away sooner or later, and I am not here to fill myself with the human knowledge that could only leave me with emptiness. I am here to enjoy the Lord with all the lovers of Christ and be filled with all His unsearchable riches!

– Anonymous


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