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My Relationship with the Lord

As a transfer student in 1997 I was enthusiastic about getting involved in the UCLA community. At orientation I signed up with a number of various clubs, including Christian Students as my “spiritual” club. I began to get involved with the other clubs right away, but took a little longer to get involved with Christian Students. It was more difficult to get involved with Christian Students because my personal relationship with the Lord was not very strong at the time.

However, one of the full-time staff members at Christian Students kept in close contact with me and that was my salvation. We initially had contact by phone and then we met up, sometimes just to hang out and talk and have dinner and other times to talk about my relationship with the Lord. I was also introduced to other students involved in Christian Students which made my pursuit of the Lord that much easier.

By the end of my undergraduate years at UCLA, I was well involved in the UCLA community. Most importantly, my relationship with the Lord had been strengthened, thanks to Him and my brothers and sisters in Christian Students.

– H.Y.

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